Saturday, December 26, 2009

NCO Group comments

January 2009 Well these dumba%%es are at it again. I just proved to them I am exempt from judgment I collect SSDI) and I get a call from NCO about a debt owed to my local utility company, I ask how much and when, they were more then happy to give me the how much but not the when, I told them I would investigate on my end and call back, needless to say the lady was not to happy and started with the YOU OWE THIS DEBT routine, I told her to calm down as I may not owe this debt, then the barrage of why don't you just pay your bills. At this point I told her I was going to hang up and call back. I check with my utility company and the debt was from 2002 and owed by my ex-wife not me (she agreed to pay in divorce settlement) I called ex to tell her about it, she too was called and was treated quite rudly. I told her she could pay it or make them send a DV letter, and also told her it is past statute of limitations, ball is in her court for that decision. I call NCO back and get the same rude-ass lady, told her the debt in fact was not mine and was also past SOL, she says they can collect on debt as long as they feel like it and there is nothing I can do about it and I was going to get in trouble with the courts and be sued for the money. I told her go ahead and spend all your time expense and energy as you will definitely lose, and will it be worth all that for $270. Oh it is not $270 it is now $870 do to attorney fees and interest, I laughed and said you can not charge interest if original owner of debt did not, this confused her as there was a long silence She babbled something and I said I was going to mail my request for DV and a cease and desist and to please sue me as soon as possible, as I enjoy going to court knowing I am going to win. CLICK hope I hear from them again, it is fun when you have a battle of wits with a witless opponent. If you read this please research as much as possible about your rights, Mr Hibbs site here has helped me more then I can say, also there are a lot of local court sites you can get info from. Knowledge is power

January 2009 I am getting harassed with calls from NCO Financial saying that they are working on behalf of Capital One Credit Cards. Last year like most Americans the economy hit me hard. I am temporarily out of work so I was stupid enough to try to work with the credit card companies to get my credit back in check. I called Capital One and told them to cancel my credit card. I also told them that when I was able to draw another paycheck I would pay them back. They were okay with it. But NCO Financial is still calling and harassing me. I get long messages threatening me with police coming to my house, and charges filed against me.

January 2009 Well another phone call No. 12 from these classless asses, I called back to have some fun and got the rude INDIAN women again, she was funny as sh&^ screaming and hollering, then I got the you ought to be ashamed having not paid this debt, don't you feel like a deadbeat, I counted 1 2 she said what is that I told her I was counting violations, she says you are the one breaking the law 3 I said, she hung up, I call back and get a nice lady who gave me address #4 to send my cease and desist letter, this is the last one, then I will get an attorney and sue. Almost worth calling them everyday to add up some dough LOL, I also found out the debt they are trying to collect on is not mine. OH what fun.

January 2009 I settled a debt with them not that long ago. They called to tell me that they were working to get the negative mark off of my credit report, but then they mentioned an outstanding phone bill from 13 years ago! I said it was past the statute of limitations but the guy said they can still collect on it. The original amount of the bill was a little over $600 and they offered me a settlement of $270. I have no issue paying this bill as it is a legitimate debt owed. However, the back to back to back calls numerous times a day are in violation of the FDCPA and they never leave a message.

January 2009 I had sent NCO 2 cert letters to 2 different addresses and was still getting automated calls to call back Micheal Unitees (an alias) obvious FDC violation, but I wanted to cover all my bases So I call and a lady answers with a heavy accent ( I figured I was routed to India) I try to tell her reason of call and was instantly question about my ph number Told her it was none of her Business and she starts yelling at me saying I can not help you if I don't have that info. I ask why do you feel it necessary to yell at me and she was hard to understand do to her accent and my ph number was not relevant to my call therefore she was going to get it. She starts yelling again as tells me she has it on her caller ID woo hoo they already had it anyways, then the personal information questions start. I tell her again I was calling to get an address not to give anyone there any info she now starts screaming she wants the last 4 of my social I tell her what part of English do you not understand you are not getting any of my info as I was calling to get address only, she promptly hangs up I call back and she puts me instantly on hold, after less then a minute another lady comes on and asks me how she can help, I tell her reason for call (all the time I could hear 1st lady screaming in background) She gives me info no problem it was a 3rd address and was supposed to be home office. I told her 1st lady was very rude and was yelling at me similar to how she was yelling now and didn't she know FDCA guidelines. She apologized for her behavior and I told her, hell you are not the jerk screaming so don't apologize for her. So I feel I have covered my bases and if I get another call it will be time to lawyer up because I wont take that BS from anyone let alone so bottom feeder. Why these people feel they need to yell and holler is beyond me, I'm sure some people are intimidated but damn Momma says catch more flies with sugar.

January 2009 These a55holes keep calling my cell phone every few days. I have A+ credit, I do not owe anybody anything that is past due, my only debt is with my bank for my house. Today I had enough, I have a VOIP service on my computer, that cannot be traced, I am told by people with caller id it shows up as all 0's, it took less than 30 seconds for the person on the other end to hang up. I usually do not use 4 letter words, but these people are wasting my time. I will start calling them every other day until it stops...

January 2009 I was contacted by the NCO people and told i was to pay my dept now, i owed them this money and they were going to take me to the next level if i didn't pay. I was them told that I had enough credit available on a different credit card so i could make the payment now, I told Mike that I wasn't going to continue to make more charges if i couldn't pay for the ones i already had. he then told me he was a senior litigator for the state and i was playing with fire. I said I would send the creditor the money but not him, Mike then started screaming at the top of his lungs me, PAY THE BILL NOW, hearing dogs barking in the background made me think was this guy even at a office? I asked Mike if there were any other people there and he said yes there were, I said that I would like to deal with someone else and not him, that was I guess all that I needed to say because he went off on a 3 minute rant about how he wasn't playing games and that he has better things to do than to chase me around for a tiny amount of money, but continued to say the next level is not where I wanted to be and if I was a responsible person I would pay him now. I said does the next level involve court? He wouldn't answer and just said the next level is a terrible place and I should think about that long and hard, I was puzzled, this guy was persistent but not really saying anything other than PAY ME NOW screaming over and over. I told him I was hanging up and to have someone else call me and not him. after I hung up he called me about 5 more times in a row hanging up on me, and or just saying on the phone in a drawn out tone PAYYYYYYY MEEEEEEEEEE. Is it illegal to look at my other credit limits and check my history that has nothing to do with the debt they bought? Also to swear and threaten, plus not give proper information about my account and what this money was supposed to be going toward.

January 2009 NCO P / DBA ASSETCARE, INC In July I tried to purchase a used jeep as my current vehicle was hit by lightning and was un-repairable. To my surprise I found NCO Portfolio had a negative report on me concerning an AT&T bill for $66 bill they claimed I owed from 02. This was not on my report until April 2008. I spoke for two hours with AT&T and they couldn't find anywhere I owed this amount as my bill is directly debited from my checking account. In August, I was informed my account was sold to Asett Care, Inc, by a mail invoice. I decided to pay it in full even though they offered me a 40% discount if I paid it. I've had this experience before with collection agency's and the negative report was never removed, so I paid it in full under protest that AT&T wasn't aware of this debt, I wanted it off my credit report. Upon checking my report in January it was still on there showing unpaid.

January 2009 This is odd. I got a check from NCO for 22.12 It says Systems and Services Technology Refund. What gives? Sounds like an attempt to get your checking and bank routing information. If you were to take that to a check cashing facility and take the hit of a $3 fee, you could probably safely pocket the rest.

January 2009 We have been receiving calls from 866-437-7403 they claim to be NCO Financial calling on a Capital One card we had to let go back. When they call there is a message to call them with a reference number. Each time I call there is a person with a very bad accent who is difficult to understand. They scream at you so I always hang up on them. Is this a scam? Why do they use people who can hardly speak English?

That is an India Call Center from Mumbai (Bombay) India. NCO hired them because they only have to pay them $3/hr with no benefits. It's all about money and sending all your personal information to a foreign country where the risk of identity theft is very high. NCO has never won any awards for being bright, all they care about is money. If Capital One realized how much risk NCO places American consumer accounts they may re-think who they are using to collect their debts. The backlash on this is huge, beyond anything imaginable. The good news is India telemarketers are trained to be polite, so let them keep calling. I bet NCO is losing money by using this foreign collectors. Americans do not like foreigners calling them, especially when they have access to all your personal information and that of your family. The good news is that NCO can afford to pay off when sued, sit back relax, let the phone ring. Nobody cares about them and their bad accents.

January 2009 NCO Financial Systems has been leaving pre-recorded dunning messages on my cell phone voicemail for the past several months. I receive the calls appx. 3-5 days a week. I have disputed the debt, told them not to call me, and even went so far as to report to the BBB, FTC and State Atty General. I have not received any reply to my BBB complaint.

I have in my possession a legally recorded phone call in which rep clearly states the do not possess any validating documentation other than their own invoice. They continue to verify the debt to CRAs as accurate when I disputed with the CRAs.

December 2008 Received several pre-recorded calls today telling me to call 800-816-5572. When I did, it was NCO Financial, Williamsville, NY collecting on a credit card from 1998. What is going on here? Is this legal?

This is really a funny situation because NCO who has never been the smartest debt collector out there, is now asking YOU to do THEIR job for them. They call you, to call them, to collect a debt that is too old to collect. One can only assume they have run out of collectors or that they don't want to pay a collector to get hung up on. Can you curse a recording that does not record? Let them keep calling, waste as much of their time and efforts as possible. NCO has always been just short of a full deck so...let's not tell them.

December 2008 CONSUMER ALERT! Be advised that collectors representing themselves as "Erica Brachfeld Law Office, Houston Texas are representing to consumers they are a part of the NCO Legal Network. Erica Brachfeld is not licensed to practice law in Texas, she is mis-representing herself as a Texas law firm and collecting debts illegally.


December 2008 Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today resolved the state’s enforcement action against debt collection firm NCO Financial Systems Inc., which was charged with violating the Texas Debt Collection Act. According to state investigators, NCO unlawfully made harassing and threatening phone calls to purported debtors. Under the settlement, NCO must implement policies that ensure its debt collection efforts fully comply with this law.

“Today’s agreement protects Texans from unlawful debt collection practices,” Attorney General Abbott said. “Texas law prohibits collection agencies from using unlawful threats and coercion to collect debts. With today’s agreement, the world’s largest debt collector agreed to implement safeguards that will protect debtors and ensure full compliance with the law.”

Media links Attorney General's court-filed agreement with NCO Financial Systems Inc.

NCO Financial Systems, Inc. handled debt collection for its affiliate, NCO Portfolio Management Inc., which manages credit card, telecommunications, and medical-related debts. According to consumer complaints, NCO Financial
Systems representatives made harassing and sometimes profanity-laden telephone calls to Texans, some of whom had never incurred the debt at all. NCO Financial Systems also improperly claimed that certain individuals owed
debts when, in fact, the actual debtors had different middle initials or Social Security numbers.

Many Texans also complained that NCO Financial Systems failed to verify that debts were actually owed. Thus, the defendant continued its billing process even after frustrated recipients disputed their bills or sent cease-and-desist letters. NCO Financial Systems also threatened to report debts to credit reporting agencies that were more than seven years old.

Today’s settlement agreement requires NCO Financial Systems to properly validate the debts that it attempts to collect when appropriately challenged by consumers. Moreover, NCO has agreed to spend $300,000 over the next three
years to monitor its collection practices so that it complies with protections offered to consumers by the Texas Debt Collection Act.

To settle the attorney general’s enforcement action, NCO Financial Systems will establish a three-year $150,000 restitution fund to compensate Texans harmed by its unlawful acts. The company will remit $100,000 to the state’s
general revenue fund, along with $150,000 in attorneys’ fees.

NCO Financial Systems, which claims to be the “world’s largest” debt collector, operates call centers in 28 states and eight foreign countries, according to its Web site.

December 2008 I had not heard of this site before, but have read quite a few things about NCO whom is now contacting me on a debt that cleared the 7 years mark just last month. The strange thing is that NCO's rep has been quite cordial to me. I'm not going to say that everything she has said has been 100% correct because I have noticed that she seems to gets some facts 'confused', but like I said, she has been professional which is why I don't understand all the negative publicity. It should be pointed out that they have not gotten a dime from me yet, so things, I suppose, can turn sour the minute she finds that she is not going to get any funds by my request for Verification and then my fax to stop calling me. These are things that I have learned from this site. I do get 'ghost' calls, which seem to have started when they first contacted me and just yesterday I answered the phone and they asked to speak to me and I said, 'this is he' and then they flat out hung up. So, I do suspect that a lot that I have read on this site is accurate, but may not have pertained to me....(so far). My question is this: Although I have passed the SOL, should I pay the amount which of course is lower just so this whole ordeal can be buried and I move on? My fear? The fear is that other things that I have read on this site will come to fruition... suddenly they want more, they don't close the account...etc... How can I protect myself?

November 2008 NCO is laying off lots of collectors. Told us the economy is keeping people from paying us. The debts they have are old out of stats. They said most of the jobs are going to India. JERKS! They should not allow India to collect debts for $

November 2008 NCO is laying off lots of collectors. Told us the economy is keeping people from paying us. The debts they have are old out of stats. They said most of the jobs are going to India. JERKS! They should not allow India to collect debts for $3/hr would you want your personal information in a foreign country? That's what NCO is doing and there is nothing Americans can do about it. NCO SUCKS!! Consumers, call your Congressman - time for new laws...

November 2008 A debt is owed regardless of the age. I am not sure why people feel that if they ignore their legal obligation for long enough, it will just go away. This is why your country is in the state it is now. You are all pigheaded and irisponsible if you think that you can borrow money and never repay it. I believe there should be NO Statute of Limitations, you should owe that money FOREVER, until you grow up and take care of your business! If you can't pay your bills, don't get a loan! If you lose your job, get another one! McDonalds is always hiring! There is no excuse! PAY YOUR BILLS! We dont' normally publish a collector's rant - when they give a phony email address - but we thought you should see the way NCO educates their collectors - The Law is no excuse...

October 2008 NCO all most got to me to give them some money. The payment would have been via western union (i don't have a checking account). At the last minute I choose not to do it. My issue was that they wont give me a mailing address of any kind, sound fishy to me. After finding your website I know i did the right the thing by not giving the payment. My question is by acknowledging the dept did that reset my s.o.l I really don't want put up with them for the next seven years.

October 2008 I have never been so humiliated in all my life this company told all my family my information. they called them almost thirty times a day. and when they told them they weren't me they were really rude and very disrespectful. they don't like the word no and they like to harass you. even if you pay they tell you that all your giving them free money. this is the most terrible people even they give info to people that are not you. I don't know how many people they gave my info to but boy these people have got to be stopped.

October 2008 Just got a letter from AAFES, they handle the PXs on all military bases, on a debt. Apparently NCO Financial got awarded the government contract to collect their debt. The odd thing is AAFES can use Treasury Offset Program (TOS) to collect from protected funds (military retirements, tax refunds, social security, disability checks without a court order) these funds are except from judgments, so why would they, or better yet, how can they hire NCO to collect debt on top of that????

October 2008 nco likes to call my house at least ten times a day they are very nasty. My bill is four years old. The one time id answer the phone the boss cut in and scarred the hell out of me and they wont even give me an address to send a payment to them.

October 2008 ISH - aka NCO in disguise A month or so ago a verbally abusive and not very adept collection agent called my Aunt's house threatening to sue me. She left money balances and threatening dialog on an answering machine. Being a semi retired collection agent myself, once even career employed by the greatest of all collection agencies, the IRS I know the law and know it well. I called them and after giving her what for over the 3rd party disclosure discovered it was a debt over 10 years old and in dispute from a divorce even older. I of course read her the fair debt collection act chapter and verse, she screamed into the phone "I am going to sue you" and hung up. I called the number back, asked for a manager, explained what happened and he told me he would be dismissing her for putting them in such an actionable situation and the calls would stop. So today ..... I get a call from Private Number 866-934-2660 and am told they are preparing a law suit against me and making sure someone over 18 years of age is at home so they can have the Sheriff sue me. Now being that I live in a tiny rural county I ask them, what county is your business ISH located in, he answers me with the name of my County. Now I know he is full of it so I ask him who he is representing, and the song and dance I get is that they prepare legal docs for court cases for clients.

So being tenacious, I block my line and call back, the girl who answers I tell that I am trying to figure out what this number is on my outgoing call listing, to see which of my salespeople are contacting them, can she please give me the name of the company. She gives me the same vague description that he gave me, so I ask " are you here in Dallas Texas where I am" and she says yes. *snicker, caught ya* then she puts me on hold and hangs up. I call back again, I get the guy who called me, I say can you please tell me what ISH stands for, he asks me for a case number, which I don't give him, I say well I found this message on my desk and can't seem to figure out who it is for.

Basically they refused to disclose who they are no matter what scenario I gave them. We of course got online and found out via this web site and others who they are. I can't imagine any court on any planet accepting a suit on a disputed liability over a decade old, nor can I imagine someone hiring anyone sheriff, process server, pony express to ride up this rural mountainside to serve me...

Is there a new pending case against NCO for their shady business practices? If so can someone point me in the direction of the representing Attorney!

October 2008 Is NCO going stupid or what? Received a collection notice from them told to call a toll free number. Was routed to Puerto Rico but no one there spoke English. They sent me to Jamaica, maybe they do smoke there because no one could say anything that made sense. Back to India where a really bad accent kept screaming that I pay my bill. Ended up somewhere in New York where a young lady sounded like she was in her first day on the job. The timer on my phone was at 13 minutes when I hung up completely satisfied that NCO has a major problem called STUPIDITY! Upon thinking about it I was mad at not keeping them on the phone longer. After all, I tied up a lot of people and equipment. Think I'll do it again tomorrow and several days thereafter, if NCO really is that stupid, don't they deserve it? (NCO, I have no intention of ever paying you a cent, just want to waste your time and money)

October 2008 NCO Portfolio Management I received an abusive call from ALW Sourcing claiming I owe a debt from 1993. I basically told them to get lost. Soon after, I noticed 2 hard inquiries on my Transunion report. They refuse to remove them. Can you help me?

ALW Sourcing, LLC is located in the same facility at 1804 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21230 as NCO Financial Systems. In a call to 888-379-4884 a person who stated they were collecting debts for NCO. This facility is a large business par (Montgomery Park Business Center). We strongly suspect there is a direct correlation between the entities. They are using The Corp Trust as their agent on MD corporation filings. ALW fits a pattern by NCO of collecting on very old, out of statute debts. This appears to be a desperate measure by President Michael J. Barrist to stay afloat without having to pay premium prices for junk debts. The fact that they hit your credit reports may be a FCRA violation, I strongly suggest you talk with the experts at:

ALW SOURCING LLC. Department 200 Montgomery Park Business Center 1804 Washington Blvd. Baltimore, MD
Toll Free: 877 ALW LLC1 Phone: 443 263 3290 Fax: 443 263 3265

NCO Portfolio Management, Inc. Department 500 1804 Washington Blvd Baltimore, MD 21230 800-231-1240

October 2008 I recently began receiving robo-calls from NCO Financial. One day when my husband was home, he took the call and got on the line with a live human being (ok, I use the term loosely) only to get into a shouting match when he asked what year the debt was, was told 1998 and he told her the statute of limitations had expired. She ended up hanging up on him. The robo-calls, however, continued - three to four times a week. Finally one came in this past Saturday when we were home and I got on the phone with someone calling himself Steve Koff -- had to ask three times for the name. I asked for the information on the alleged debt. He told me the name of original creditor, that the account was opened in 1995 and the date of last activity was in 1998. I asked him for an address so I could have my lawyer send a cease and desist letter because the statute of limitations had expired on the debt. He asked my why I thought I was above the law. I asked him for the address again. He told me to check my credit report. I asked him if he was going to report a debt that was past the statute of limitations because that's against the law. The phone went dead. Today, Monday... we got another robo-call. I belong to the group legal plan at work, so I'm having my lawyer send a cease and desist letter. But I wanted to report here that I think the sting of the $1.5 million settlement may be wearing off a bit... they are starting to drift into their old patterns. Hanging up when you ask for an address, etc. Anyway, just thought you might be interested...

September 2008 I lost my job In jan of 08. After the first missed payment i immediately started receiving calls from they crooks. I believe they work very closely with GE money bank. They call easily 30 times a day. Half the time there is no one there. the other half you have to wait 30 seconds for someone to respond. When they do respond I explain to them whats going on. I have been called lasey. i have been woken up at 8:00 in the morning with someone on the other end of the phone yelling get your ass out of bed. They are leaving text msg on my wifes cell number. now they call the house, I speak to them. Then right after they call my wife cell and tell her im good for nothing and to get the money from her mother to pay this then divorce me.

When they ask about my wife I tell them the truth. She is permanently disabled and unable to work. They then accuse me of fraud with the card by adding someone to the account that does not have a job.

I told them that i was speaking to an attorney about bankruptcy. They said they would not accept it and would seek to have me put in jail if I did not pay. I have sent them letters. certified. They said they dont care. They want there money now. I was told by one woman that I owed GE Money bank 325.but I had to pay them 550.

Its funny. They ask. "How are you getting by". I tell them that I live with my family and they pay the phone bill. I am then told that, that makes my family responsible for the bills and they would be contacting them.

I also informed them that we where on food stamps. I was hen told to find a way to sell them to get cash to pay them.

They also push to get post dated checks.(I was told by an attorney that technically that is illegal in Utah. I told the collector that and he told me to do it any way.) I told them I do not have a checking account. I was told for me and my wife to go to WaMU get a account. And since they automatically give you 500 in overdraft. use that to pay my debts. I do think its funny that they then ask for a credit card to pay the payments. I thought you could not pay a credit card with a credit card.

They have asked everything. I was asked If I had a TV and why it was not for sail. How much my wedding ring was worth. my wife's ring. Her engagement ring. Our cars. When the yard sale was. How come Im not selling Items on ebay to pay this off. What my ebay user name is so they could monitor my account. I refuse to tell them anything. They really hate that. When I tell them I have to protect my identity they yell at me. I was told by one "gentleman " that he had all my info in frount of him and he could trash it or sell it if he really wanted to so just verify it.

They have also told me that. "All employers do a credit check to get a job." and " If I did not pay them in full right them they would make sure I am unemployable. Now Im kind of savvy. its kind of like buying a car. If you want the truck but they really push you to that minivan. Something is wrong.

I know I will have to deal with them for the rest of my life. They are like a blackmailer . Even if you pay them. they will come back. For more.

September 2008 I received my first call from them today and am researching this company Here's the info from the Pennsylvania division of corporations; NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, INC. BARRIST CORPORATION Prior Name

507 PRUDENTIAL RD HORSHAM PA 19044-46 Officers Name: MICHAEL J BARRIST President
JOSHUA GINDIN Title: Secretary JOHN R SCHWAB Title: Treasurer STEVEN L WINOKUR Vice President

August 2008 Ah, yes. NCO, where shall I begin? Last year I was involved in a serious car accident and was in a coma for several months as a result. During this time my bills went unpaid, (no way I could pay them while being in a coma). By the time I came out of a coma my house had been sold at a foreclosure sale and I was in default on all of my credit cards and loans.

During this time several of my credit cards were sold to NCO. I was unable to pay anything to NCO due to medical bills and refused to speak with them after numerous rude, threatening phone calls from their bill collectors. NCO started calling my workplace and their bill collectors would ask for various salespeople in my office, (every salesperson was listed on the companies website along with their extension), once connected to one of my colleagues they would either badmouth me or request to be transferred to my extension as they "pretended" they had been connected to the wrong extension. I received so many calls a day from them my employer fired me as it was a distraction to everyone in the office.

Shortly after loosing my job NCO started calling my neighbors at their homes and even started contacting one of my next door neighbors at his work place trying to reach me. When I still would not deal with NCO they started contacting my family members. They first started calling my father, my father lives several hours away in a different state. I moved out of my Dad's house when I went away to college 16 years ago - at that time my Dad lived in a different state and different home than he does currently - I have never even lived in the state my Dad now lives in. NCO then started calling my sister who lives in another state in which I've never lived half way across the country and then started calling my 92 year old grandmother in yet another state in which I've never lived. My relationship with my family became so strained due to these calls that I am no longer on speaking terms with my family.

I currently have a list of over 20 different phone numbers in various different states which NCO uses to call me on a regular basis. I recently purchased a smart phone so I could then purchase call filtering software which picks up and hangs up every single number they call me from. Looking at my last cell phone bill I had nearly 500 calls from their numbers just during my last monthly billing cycle. I have contacted NCO numerous times in writing via certified mail and via fax to no avail.

I am finally getting back on my feet and just filed a Chapter 7 BK due to overwhelming medical and other bills, it is not something I am proud of but it was really the only choice I had. I was attending law school when I had my accident, I have two semesters left and will graduate in May, 2009. I had originally planned on specializing in real estate law but now plan on focusing on bankruptcy and debt relief law so I can get back at these guys and every other collection company like them who engages in practices such as these. I will get even with this company and relish the day I graduate law school and pass the bar exam so I may start extracting revenge on this company.

August 2008 This company sent a letter to me in regards to a Cap One card, the address they used was
4740 Baxter Road. St. 103 Virginia Beach, VA 23462-4484 Phone: 757-687-6700

on the letter was also a PO Box from a mailing address in Virginia Beach as well. I realize that the company is based out of Horsham, PA, but I have always been told to send the verification letter and the cease and desist letter to the address on the letter.

Just a heads up. I got signed forms stating they received my letters, and they call me at least 5 times a day still.

I have filed complaints to:
1. Virginia Better Business Bureau (ironically, there has only been 1 complaint and it was solved).
2. Pennsylvania Better Business Bureau
3. Attorney General of Pennsylvania (Corbett).

Also, be on the look out for what I call.." ghost" calls. No-one is ever on the other end of the phone.
Nasty people!!

Robotic Dialers. They call, but when I pick up the phone, no one is there, or I hear nothing...what gives? It's the luck of the draw with auto dialers or robots. They dial six to eight numbers at once, and when a human voice is heard, they are immediately directed to a collector. Since the collector that plugged in the numbers can only speak to one consumer at a time, the first real voice loses and everyone else gets dead silence. The computer will note there was a connection made and push that number up in the cycle, so when the collector finishes his tirade with one, he dials the group again - and by now, you're angry and frustrated and running to the phone, only to be beat by that little old lady in Nebraska who was hunched over the receiver daring it to ring again. She loses, you get more silence and finally get on the internet to find out what that "nothing" call is all about.

August 2008 I am thoroughly frustrated with the way NCO Financial Systems, Inc. conduct their business and I am tired of their deceptive antics.

I received a bill from NCO Financial Systems Inc stating I owed $1,869.00 including interest for a delinquent NYCO Credit Card account. First and foremost I have never had a credit card with this company. I am pretty concerned that I have been the victim of identity theft. I decided to obtain a copy of my credit report from all three reporting agencies and noticing the negative inquiry on my report. I was in shock.

Now what concerns me is NCO obtained a copy of my credit report through TransUnion in June of this year. I don't know how they could have received a copy of my credit report without any authorization and placed the fraudulent account on my report. More alarming is how TransUnion could allow a company like NCO Financial place a fraudulent item on my credit report with no proof and allow unauthorized access to my credit report!

So I decided to write a letter of dispute to NCO requesting that they forward me a copy of all ID’s that were used to open this account. In return they sent me a letter stating I should send those copies of my ID and fill out the fraud report. Then I called and I spoke with a representative that confirmed the mistake. I also mailed back the requested copy of the fraudulent report to NCO Financial as requested only to find out that they confirmed the dispute as confirming my ownership. This is totally ridiculous and NCO is trying to collect on an account that is not mine! NCO has so many arms in so many states it is not funny. But we as consumers have to do something to shut them down.

August 2008
I recently moved and during that time I was using my parent's address as my mailing address. Within this two month time frame I missed one payment to Citifinancial Services and apparently that's when the harassing calls started from NCO Financial System. They started calling my parent's home every day for about one month. When I finally able to talk to a representative (Ms. Jackson) she indicated that I needed to pay them $147.00 because I was late on my Citifinancial bill. When she told me that I quickly contacted Citifinancial and I paid them directly. I informed Ms. Jackson that I was going to be paying my credit card directly and she indicated that NCO financial will be sending me a receipt once everything clears. My check cleared and two weeks passed (approximately 7/14/08)by, no letter or response from Ms. Jackson. I called her back and she told me that she will have a letter sent out to my by the end of the week. I did not receive nothing from them so I called back towards the end of the month and she told me that it will be sent out. By August 4th, I still did not receive nothing so I called back and this time I spoke to Mr. Charles Murphy and he told me that the system was annotated but the letter was never sent out and he will put it in the mail that same day. Today, August 19, 2008; I still have not received nothing from them. I called and spoke to one of their reps and he transfer me to the Account Manager and he was disrespectful towards me. When I spoke to the Account Manager (who by the way is unprofessional) he stated that they do not provide letters of receipt and when I addressed him why would his representative tell me something that was not true he became enraged and told me that I should have paid my bills and then hung up the phone on me.

I have never been disrespected like that and I do not think that you should have managers who speak to consumers with that type of language. Your management staff have no form of professional ethics or even customer service. What enraged your Account Manager was that I paid the bill directly to the credit card rather than working with this incompetent staff. NCO financial system staff have no idea what they are doing and have used different forms of tactics to frighten or upset the myself and the public in order to get pay.

August 2008 I share the pain of everyone else here who's been contacted by NCO. Last year we went through a bankruptcy and a foreclosure. Yet we managed to pay our auto insurance (AAA). During that time, a check bounced and the notice got buried under the pile of bills and notices we'd received as a result of our situation. The next month, we were unable to pay the insurance and it was cancelled (prior to the check bouncing). One month later to the day, I was involved in a fender bender that was my fault. Being without insurance, I lost my drivers license for a year. Even though I called AAA, they said our insurance had lapsed and all I could do was pay the $700 required to re-instate it. Under the circumstances, we went without insurance. Two months later, I began getting letters from AAA stating that I owed them the amount of the bounced check ($237.79). You can imagine how I felt at receiving them and at that time! After several months of ignoring the letters from AAA, I started getting letters from NCO! That was the beginning of this year. Now, they've started calling my wife on her cell phone (she's the listed policy holder). She's told them repeatedly that I want to speak to them and that we felt we do not owe the money. Their calls have become increasingly nasty and rude. I've called their 888 number and left messages with my cell phone asking them to call me back. No callbacks to me, only to my wife. What do they think, that she's going to give in and send a check???

August 2008 I've written to you once before and received excellent advice. I have been consistently using your letter to those collection agencies when they contact me and each time I have been fortunate enough to never hear from them again. At the bottom of my letters I always copy the law firm I work for and the AG's Consumer Complaint dept. Once I even received a letter back from the collection agency indicating "your account has been closed in our office and no action has been taken on your credit report. We will not contact you any further."

In any event, I have recently started receiving calls from SST. I did a google and this is what I found:

They list themselves as an NCO company. When stopping by your website, I noticed that you may not have had this information in regard to NCO so I thought I'd send you the link.

August 2008 I have several comments about NCO financial systems. They have the same account listed TWICE on my credit report and when this was disputed, I was told if I paid they would take ONE off, even though I had already paid the Original Creditor.

On another occasion they contacted me about a debt in the amount of $4668.00 which belonged to my ex husband about 4 years before we were married stating that since we had been married I was responsible to pay it off.

They have contacted my about a debt from 1997 that again was paid to the original creditor.

And saving the best for last...They called for my 13 Y o daughter about some old medical bills from the surgery that she had to have at 5 weeks old.

What goes around comes around they will eventually have to answer for all the misdeeds they are doing, In the meantime I'll say a prayer for them

August 2008 I received a call at my home at 8:30 Wed. The young lady was calling from India. She asked for me directly and then proceeded to tell me she was calling me on behalf of NCO regarding a credit card debt I had with them. Since I have no collection accounts I asked her who the company was she then advised me that it was from a store called Famous Maid (?) I advised her i was not aware of any store by that name nor did I have any store credit cards. The young lady then told me that the account was opened in 1986. No that is not a typo. I laughed at her and asked her if she had a calculator. She said yes I advised her that she was calling on a debt that was probably older than her. She then advised me that she would just contact her "client" and advise them that I refused to pay. I told her the conversation was over. The next morning i went to my local post office and mailed via certified return receipt requested a debt validation letter. It was received in the NCO offices today. I refuse to argue with idiots and I have better things to do with my time then to discuss nonsense. The only way to stop NCO from doing what they do on a daily basis is to become knowledgeable about your rights and the consumer laws that are designed to protect you from predators. They prey on the fact that most Americans are not aware of what consumer rights we have and how to use them. Once you have been a victim of a predatory lender you quickly get up to speed on how to not let it ever happen to you again. Wolpoff and Abramson forced me to become knowledgeable about how to defend myself. Trust me I learned very well. Keep records create a paper trail and most of all do not fall for the intimidation. I was fortunate enough to find this website and locate a lawyer who was just as skilled at protecting me as Wolpoff and Abramson's army of lawyers are at protecting them. I was one they lost. Whatever you do do not spend your time taking calls and being harassed you are giving them time and that can hurt you.

the original creditor name and amount. I told them I was going to call the original creditor to straighten it out (it was only 4 months old). Then I was yelled at by the NCO rep - WHY DO YOU WANNA CALL THEM? THEY CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT NOW! I said "Fine, I dispute this debt now, please give me your address so I can submit my dispute letter and have you validate this debt. She screamed "I DON'T HALF TO VAL-IT-DATE IT FOR YOU!!! I'M NOT GIVING YOU ANYTHING!!" Phone call went downhill from there for she continue to yell at me and finally said "COLLECTION EFFORTS WILL CONTINUE! YOUR CREDIT IS TRASH!!" And she hung up. Fortunately, I contacted the original creditor and found they had an erroneous address on file. They were apologetic. The rep and his boss assured me that 1) It will be removed from collections. I will get a letter from them stating the mistake. 2) They will make sure NCO sends me a letter stating just that. And 3) They will make sure NCO removes the derogatory off my credit rating. When I repeated the conversation with NCO to the original creditor billing department, they were appalled! They promised to help in anyway possible. They were not happy an agent for their collections was so nasty. What a horrible experience. Thank god the original creditor was polite and was willing to fix things. NCO reps should be slapped silly for acting in that manner.

July 2008 NCO Financial sent my wife a notice of collection on an account that had been CLOSED FOR 11 YEARS! They went so far as to contact her ex-husband to get her current address and phone number. When they called I told them that the debt was too old to be acted on. I was told that WE could be sued in order to collect. I replied that I could not be sued since we were not married at the time and besides, they needed to put her correct current name on the lawsuit. The collector was actually rude enough to hang up on me.

July 2008 Got a call at 12:45 p.m. A very rude female at first refused to say who she was with, after a short verbal exchange, she said she was with NCO in Amarillo Texas. The number on the caller ID was 806-290-9072.The first time I got a call from this number it was a recording trying to sell a way to improve your credit rating. I think it is some kind of scam, will not ever answer if that number comes up again. To all who see this number on your caller ID-don't answer the phone the caller is up to something less than legal.

July 2008 First, NCO already has employees from India - I spoke with one last week who demanded that I verify my ENTIRE SSN, address, phone number and full name. When I suggested that he provide me with HIS first, he stated that he had access to all my information and needed it to verify a dept (that is 12 years old). I refused, and he rudely told me he was just going to assume that ***-**-**** was my correct number and that he needed my banking information to arrange payment.

At this point, I was wondering if this was indeed the same collection agency which has been calling 3 times a day for months, but after checking caller id- turns out that it really was NCO as he had stated. I calmly explained he had called me, and since he sounded like a scam artist I was refusing to provide him anything.

July 2008 The idiots and low life thieves at NCO called me about an $85 medical bill. They were a bunch of uneducated monkeys on the phone. When I notified them that there was no way that I would even listen to them they forwarded my account to another bottom feeder company out of Texas. At least these other people had some courtesy. I sent them the $85 dollars with an agreement that they will delete this from my credit reports. Well, I regret so much sending them money at all. To this date the vengeful lying bunch still report my collection account as bad as they can, even when it was paid. This will be in my credit report for 7 years. DO NOT SEND THEM A CENT. They don't care and your derogatory information will be there for 7 years anyway. NCO or any other bottom feeder, lying thieves denounced on this website will NEVER get a penny from me, EVER!

July 2008 I received a letter in the mail requesting that I send NCO a past tax due from Maryland. The return address was a Baltimore company and thought it might be legitimate. A couple of red flags went off and I wondered why a collection agency was asking for the balance. I received another letter asking again for the balance due and found out about Bud Hibbs web site after investigating NCO. I promptly wrote NCO a letter explaining to them I have no intention of sending ANY money and cease and desist from contacting ever again. About 2 weeks later, NCO said they were closing the case and sending the matter back to the state of Maryland. Bud, I can't thank you enough for your web site. It's nice to know there is someone helping us with these scumbags...

June 2008 I've dealt with some awful debt collectors but this one tops it. I received a letter from NCO saying I owed them $200 for an insurance payment with Progressive. I called up the number on the letter to tell them I paid the debt...and they hung up...just like that. I called back and the same person answered the phone and said we're not going to talk to you and hung up again. I then called back a third time. Another person answered with a (what seemed to be fake) accent. I quickly asked to speak to a manager and she said she was but she wouldn't talk to me and hung up again. So once again I called back to just ask for a fax number...they wouldn't give it to me. "We can't give you that information" they said. I then called Progressive and told them what was going on. They informed me that they had sent proof to the agency over 2 months ago and that they would call and get it taken care of. Progressive put me on call to speak with NCO....needless to say they refused to talk to the agent also and she was hung up on. She called back again to try and get the fax so SHE could fax the proof of payment....they said no and hung up. The agent with Progressive said she'd file a complaint in my behave and send proof through her manager. 10 minutes later I received a call back from Progressive stating she filed a complaint and that they were going to remove the bill from my credit report since it was paid long before NCO got the account. I really hope I don't have to ever deal with this company again after reading some of the other stories on this site. However, I will continue to do business with Progressive until I'm too old to drive.

June 2008 What a great Company. First, they call Non-Stop trying to collect on a debt that is allegedly with LVNV, and of course, LVNV is trying to collect from someone else. But once you request conformation and information in regards to an alleged debt, they fold like a cheap lawn chair.

They send an unsigned form letter stating that the "above-referenced account is closed in our office"...please direct further inquiry to LVNV. Then they state, "According to Our Files, we have not reported the above reference account to a credit bureau."

What a load of Cr*p. They may have not reported it, but made inquiries as to my credit. In addition, these were made monthly.

Anyone who has a slight understanding of how your credit report works, is well aware of numerous inquiries to your credit "rating" will actually lower your score.

This company exemplifies, and I do believe Webster will back me up here, (If you check the definition of), The Great example of a Bottom feeder.

And for you wonderful, courteous, friendly people, who actually work for this company, I have included the definition below, since I know you are busy reading this site, while not being so cheerful and friendly and courteous to the consumers you contact

Please, Please read number 3!

Main Entry: bottomfeeder Function: noun Date: 1885
1: a fish that feeds at the bottom
2: one that is of the lowest status or rank
3: an opportunist who seeks quick profit usually at the expense of others or from their misfortune

Thank You Merriam Webster.

June 2008 NCO folded like a cheap lawn chair after sending them a nice debt validation letter. Deleted from all 3 reports within 48 hours of receiving the letter. Always send certified mail with return receipt requested.

June 2008 Some how NCO is using our business line to show up on the caller ID as if, we are using our business line to call to our main phone. I have no idea how this is legal, but that is beside the point. We are behind on our payments, and tried to do payment arrangements, but the collector with a heavy accent would not listen. She said she would mark the account as refusal to pay, and I never said I refused to pay. I simply informed them that we are unable to pay the amount they want us to pay. She goes on to say well I see on your credit report your mortgage, and your car payments, and the "BANK" will argue you don't need that mortgage or car payments. I asked her, then where do we live, and how do we get to work, and then she kept telling us this refusal to pay. I informed her that is not the case, I told you the amount we can afford, and unable to go above that. She said then I guess you will have a judgment against, you and will proceed with legal part of this.

June 2008 Someone named Mrs. Breckenridge at extension 2569 from NCO Financial keeps on calling my cell phone leaving a message for someone I don't know. She leaves the account number XXXXX for someone I don't know. I call back 1-800-688-3370 and they are so mean and insulting! I have never heard of this person!! I did nothing to deserve this abuse! I have been ill and they WILL NOT STOP CALLING ME! I keep telling them to stop calling me!

June 2008 I've had a run in with NCO Financial, and I'm an innocent bystander in all of this. I have reported them to the Pennsylvania Attorney General's office as well as let my County's Sheriffs Office.

Below is a copy of an e-mail that I attempted to send to NCO Financial Systems/NCO Group, which by the way came back to me as undeliverable:

"Yesterday one of your collectors called my office asking for someone by the name of XX. I explained to the person on the phone that XX does not work in this office. I asked your collector where he was calling from, and he told me the "XX County Sheriff's Office". Thinking that perhaps this was of extreme importance, I offered to see if the person your collector was looking for even works for my company. As I was looking the name up in the directory, I explained to your employee that we had received calls in the past asking for this person, and I asked if it was possible to take our phone number off because the information he had was erroneous. I explained where our office was located, and your employee made a comment about not wanting to deliver a "summons" to the wrong address. Your employee put me on hold advising me he was taking our number off of his records. At that time, I "googled" the toll free number on my phone and found out that the number belongs to NCO Financial Systems. When your collector came back on the line, I informed him that he had misrepresented himself. He promptly hung up.

I called the number back , 1-800-448-9570, and was transferred eventually to a "paralegal", who told me after a very long delay that she just couldn't find who might have placed that call and who lied to me about who he was. I told her I would not let it drop, and I would purse this further.

I have put in a formal complaint to the XX County Sheriff's Office, advising them there are people from NCO Financial who are telling the general public they are employees of the department. "

May 2008 I've been inundated by hang up calls from NCO about a seemingly small $1,300 dollar debt. I'm still receiving statements from and have again been making payments to the original creditor. This heartless, tactless and unscrupulous collection organizations representative Dominic, had the nerve to repeatedly contact me at my place of work, after being advised not to and at the residence of my ex-wife, all the time threatening us both.
She's not even on the account. Anyway, this guy had the nerve to yell repeatedly at me that I should be ashamed of myself, and like other posters about this company refused to accept offers to settle or pay less than the full amount of debt. Basically stated it was my fault that he was calling 20+ times a day and that it would continue unless I paid the amount in full immediately, he alone apparently has the power to keep this $1,300 from going to court. I told him to go ahead and take it to court, then get a personality makeover, education, a real job, and my next contact would be with the PA Attorney Generals office.

June 2008 An Insider Speaks I was reading over some of the stories and complaints about NCO Financial Systems, I was very shocked at what this company has done to it's consumers!!! I was overly shocked simply because I am a former employee of this company. I worked in the call center in south Alabama.

I just want to inform people of some of the things that they do. We are instructed in training to "collect the most amount of money in the least amount of time". OK so that really does make sense. Then we are also instructed and trained in the "art of collecting" We are informed to use what ever means we need to, including lying if needed to. We are told that most consumers do not know the law and are ignorant to what the law states. Being the worlds largest collection agency people tend to put some trust into the company.

Being a collection agency we had access to all kinds of financial records. (the records you think are private and secure) they have access your credit card limit (and balance) Your mortgage rate (and equity), your recorded income through the social security administration and SO much more!!!

I answered several calls from consumers who had proof that this debt was paid to the original creditor, but the fax number we are instructed to give them has a tray that spits the incoming paper into the shredding bin. This proof is never read or looked at!!

I was trained and given authority to reduce debts for a S.I.F. (settlement in full) Now if you call this agency due to a letter you received NCO is authorized to lower your balance all the was down to 30% of the total balance. Simply put they can take off 70% of the bill!!!! DON’T LET THEM TELL YOU THEY CANT!!!

They were informing consumers that if you accepted a settlement offer the remaining balance would be expunged off your credit report, when if fact the remaining balance is placed on your credit report negatively, and placed on there the date of the settlement, so the balance remains on the credit report for an additional 7 years.

NCO Plys on the ignorance of its consumers. The statute of Limitations does vary from state to state, and varies depending on the type of debt. But no matter what the SOL is for your state or debt NCO Tries to collect anyway. I took a call one day in February 2008 and the medical debt was from 1979 and NCO excepted the consumer to pay the full balance of over $1000.

I received another phone call in February 2008 and when I pulled up the account for the consumer it was a medical bill for $0.08. I told the person that this was ridiculous and they should have written this off. This was the phone call that was recorded and I was terminated. Which brings me to another thing. You are informed when you call that your call is recorded or monitored for quality and compliance purposes. IN FACT only about 1 out of 1000 is recorded. So that when you have something that might need to be heard it never will go past the ears of the employee. I was informed by my supervisor of that.

NOW NCO not only screws over its consumers it also tactfully screws its employees on a regular basis.

The NCO office is located in Tillman's Corner, Alabama. The general manager is Lisa Murphy, The employee trainer is Linda Ploplys. I do hope that his will help someone out when they do call due to a debt collection attempt

May 2008 I got tired of the yelling Indian accented voices. I offered them 30%. They refused and were insulted that I would offer THEM anything (must be an Indian thing). I told them that my other creditors were working with me, so why weren't they? After exchanging some yells, he told me to send him proof of any creditor accepting less than they were, and NCO would match it. I did ($29,000 settled for $9,000 = 31%). As soon as I said ok, what is your fax number, he hung up the phone. I called back, fax machine ready. I finally got them to give me a fax number and I sent the proof the man asked for. Of course he didn't care, and changed his story of what he offered. I told them to listen to the recording of the calls they always tell me they make, he said he didn't have one. Then I started to call, and call, and call -with 2 phone at the same time- for hours. I was wasting a lot of their time for hours. Out of frustration, and to my surprise, one of the collectors transferred me to Capital One's collection office. I told them the situation, and the nice lady said she will petition to have the debt transferred back to Capital One because of the bad treatment I got and their refusal to work with me. I continued my relentless calling to NCO, and the supervisor finally relented and said in a rather meek voice that my account will be sent back to Capital One with a couple of weeks.

If they harass you, if you have the time, try what I did: harass them back! Yell louder back at them, and call them making the same offer until they can't take it any more. If you look at it like a game, it's actually a bit fun :)

(We hear the call centers from India will not hang up on you no matter what you do. Have fun!)

May 2008 NCO is using another address not listed here: 1804 Washington Blvd., Dept. 500, Baltimore, MD, 21230. This agency sent me a debt notification letter regarding my alleged debt with Applied Card Bank, out of Wilmington, DEL., giving me 30 days from. date of receipt to dispute this debt, saying that if they get no response from. me within those 30-35 days, that they would involve an attorney of theirs to either sue me, or go to arbitration. Well, before my 30 days are up, i was served, via FedEx, papers for arbitration w/The NAF in Minn. I immediately fired off a response to the NAF and NCO, objecting to the arbitration and disputing this debt, stating that because NCO jumped the gun, and arbitrating before my 30 day response/dispute deadline, my rights under the FDCPA may have been violated. Currently, there's a stay in the case, by request of NCO while they try to dig up some credible evidence against me, which i doubt they have, because I did not sign any contract with NCO, nor w/Applied Card Bank. And, knowing the track record of the NAF finding in favor of the creditors and collection agencies at least 100% of the time, I'm forced to retain an attorney to file for Chapter. 7 Bankruptcy protection from them. So, in addition to NCO's other misbehaviors, I guess they're also in the fascist/socialist business of assuming the consumer is guilty until proven innocent, and that the consumer will not respond to their debt notification letters within the 30-day time frame.

May 2008 I received a call from Asset Care today trying to collect on a bill from an ER physician from July 2000. I had been in the hospital at that time but all of the bills were paid in full. I explained this to the caller and asked who the physician was a name I had never heard before and I asked for an original bill...she couldn't provide that info to me, she just stated that it was for the portion that insurance wouldn't cover. I asked for the physicians address and phone number so I could deal with them but she also stated that they work for the physician. I informed her that this is well past the SOL in the state of TX so she really had no business calling me and she claimed that she would continue to call until the bill was settled.

May 2008 This company has stooped so low now, that they have sent a letter threatening to take my "Economic Stimulus" check if I do not pony up the money. So far, they will not answer any written correspondence, and they keep their fax machine off the hook so they make sure that you can only mail things to them, and slow down the process of dealing with them. I have found that if you not only fax your complaints and requests for information, to some of these bottom feeders, along with sending everything via USPS, Return Receipt Requested, that you can hit them with a two prong attacks.

May 2008 I've been reading through all the comments about NCO Financial Services and thought I'd add in my story. I was first contacted by mail by them back in November 2007 regarding a pharmacy bill. Long story short, my son was in-patient in a small hospital here in town, the only way they could provide medications was through a third party mail-order pharmacy. This pharmacy charged the medications as out-patient instead of in-patient. Having dealt successfully with this issue before, I tried to get the pharmacy to submit the bill (correctly) as in-patient to the insurance company. For some reason, they didn't want to do that this time (who knows why), so after several phone calls and letters from me, it ended up in collections with NCO.

Now, I don't feel I owe this money. It's 100% covered benefit, whatever the billing issue is, those folks need to clear it up, I'm not paying for it, it wasn't my mistake. So I get a letter from NCO, I immediately draft a letter with the appropriate Fair Debt Collections Act sections telling them I dispute the validity, why I dispute the validity, and to not contact me again as I don't deal with collection agencies, I only deal with the original creditor.

Tonight, the phone rings, my 17-year-old son answers, and judging by the conversation I was hearing, it sounded like someone was calling for my younger son (the patient) who is 15. So I take over the call thinking it's some friend of my younger son's, only to get a female heavy accent on the phone demanding that I verify my address. My response, of course, was I'm not verifying any information until you tell me who you are. She said she couldn't identify herself until I verified my address. I basically told her to pound sand, I wasn't going to verify anything until she identified herself, and added "Would you verify anything to a complete stranger over the phone with all the privacy issues these days?" She admitted she would not. So we sat there in complete silence for a few seconds, then she asked me again to verify my address, and I told her "Honey, we'll sit here all night if you want, but I'm not verifying anything until you tell me who you are and what this is about." Silence again, then she said "Have a good evening." and hung up. I ran the phone number through Google and discovered it was NCO Financial Services, called it to double-check, and sure enough, it was.

April 2008 NCO just tried to scam me. They tried to collect an alleged bill from an emergency room doctor at Barberton Hospital in Akron, Ohio from 4 years ago. They had sketchy information and tried to get more information which I would not supply to them. Be warned that they are still at it. If you know who I can report this to pursue legal action against them, please let me know.

April 2008 I just received a summons to respond to NCO portfolio management and their attorney Brian Block out of Cleveland, Ohio. I asked some attorney friends about Brian Block and the words "bottom feeder" and "lazy" were used to describe him on more than one occasion. Anyway, I do not owe this debt and will be fighting it. It is also clearly past the 6 year mark for credit card debt in Ohio. NCO portfolio management and Brian Block don't appear to be too bright. This is one consumer that will not be unfairly taken advantage of. I have filed complaints with the BBB the attorney general of Ohio and will be writing the local news sources and politicians. I will not let these people use the courts to do their dirty work. I will expose all of them and encourage you to do the same!

March 2008 NCO Financial Systems is purchasing debt from Capital One. Capital One will no longer work with Consumer Credit Counseling agencies nor will NCO.

When contacted NCO only identified themselves as: "The Attorney Network". When one individual was pressed for their Corporate Name, and address he refused to give it. He was notified that the call was being recorded from the very beginning. He also refused to provide their fax number.

I did call back and obtained the information. To date they have threatened a lawsuit, threatened a lawsuit from my ex-wife (I surmise on her behalf, as she has not mentioned it.) Have been verbally abusive in any number of forms to include profanity. This is the reason I began to record their calls.

They are abusive, non professional and will not provide a "reasonable" means to settle the debt other than an initial payment of which I can not afford and then possibly a reasonable payment schedule afterwards. For some reason they have failed to earn my trust!

2007 These crooks just shook my father down for $1900 for an old debt more than 5 years old that was mine. They somehow got his SS Number and birthday and threatened him with a lawsuit until he paid them. I found out the next day after it was too late to stop this payment. Anyone know what I can do to get his money back?

2007 These people called my mother and spoke to her so rudely that it will make a sailor cringe. First they pretended to be the IRS and told her to get my brother to call them because he was in a lot of trouble. My 78 year old mother was so nervous and her blood pressure shot up 5o points higher putting her at stroke level...She actually thought the guy was the IRS. Well when she told me about this call, I told her it was bogus because the IRS does not address you in such a manner. So I called the number they left. I kept phishing and found out it was NCO contacting my brother about a 4 year old credit card bill. When I started talking with the guy he became very angry and hostile for he realized I was on to his scheme and I knew it was illegal for him to claim to be the IRS. He yelled at me and I yelled at him, then I said, don't call my mother again or I will sue you for pretending to be the IRS and upsetting an old lady. They haven't called back. and better not.

2007 I have been dealing with NCO for over 10 years. I have a federally-subsidized student loan. I can't believe that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT uses a company like NCO. I do not have to tell you how horrible these people are, as most people already know. They make it impossible for you to deal with them. They are very rude and don't realize that they could probably get more people to pay their debts if they were nicer and more fair. It is astonishing to me though, that our government condones these types of practices. The very laws they created are being violated by people they are paying!?! What is this country coming to?

2007 I had to deal with NCO a few years ago. I ended up settling the original debt. with the creditor for about 50% of the balance but not before being harassed by NCO several times.

These folks had my work number from the original creditor and proceeded to call constantly. As you can imagine I didn't answer or return any calls. They tried to get around the companies phone system and get to someone in HR. They tried to "verify employment and or income". The HR lady at the time smelled a rat an alerted me. I was amazed at the tactics these folks will employ.

Needless to say I spoke to one of these clowns and told him off. I then informed him that if I heard from him again the call would be recorded and that I had send cease and desist letters to his organization.

2007 Believe it or not, I actually had a positive experience with Bob from NCO. He was very professional and courteous on the phone. My $2000 Capital One bill was settled for $1200 which they accepted in two $600 bi-weekly payments. I was very surprised and impressed that everything went as smoothly as it did. I have had horrible experiences as well, so I guess it balances out. See you are writing from Canada. They had no choice but to be nice to you.

2007 NCO contacted me at work, May 2005, and a Ms. Jones said it was a courtesy call to let me know of a lawsuit to be filed against me in NY. I panicked but did not send them any money. Then, a Mark Smith contacted me from the "legal department of Bank of America." I panicked and got a local lawyer to deal with him. The debt was $2,800. My lawyer laughed at Smith when he hem-hah'ed after being asked if he was a member of the Bar. Needless to say, the honest bastard I was, I agreed to settle. Initially, it was the $2,800. But then Smith said the bank would not settle for anything less then $5,400 which I can pay over 3 months. I did. At year end, Bank of America sent me an IRS form for the $2,800 it forgave.

2007 My husband lost his business and as a result, a lot of card debt went to collections. Most of it went in house, but a few made it to outside collection agencies but still owned by the creditor. Out of 7 debts, we were able to reach amicable agreements with 4, and two collection agencies in a civil manner with good repayment terms for us that we could handle, and we have been paying those folks religiously. And then there was NCO.

Chevron first sent a $2100 debt as of June to one collection agency, and we sent a letter with repayment terms we could afford and waited for a counter offer, but none came and the company never contacted us again. Yesterday, I got a telephone call for my husband from Isabel at NCO Financial, and once we established on the phone that they had been transferred the debt, I offered the same repayment terms that we had offered the first company, and she was extremely nice about it, but determined that she was not authorized to accept less than a $300 down payment that day and in return, they would allow us $100 a month after that for 3 months and then re-examine it. I responded that simply wasn't possible, and I again offered $150 a month, pointing out for the next 3 months, it would come out to exactly the same amount in that time ($600). She stated she was going to put me on with a supervisor and she was *sure* that he could approve it or work something out.

Apparently, it was good cop/bad cop. The person that she put me on the phone with had a horrendous foreign accident and was barely able to be understood, but I did understand him when he said there was no way they would accept less than a $300 down payment, talked over me, told me that NCO collected millions of dollars and I certainly wasn't paying them for them because they didn't need my money, they were rolling in it, and neither did Chevron since they were a big oil company so no one really cared whether I paid my bill - at which point I asked him point blank, if that were the case, why they had bothered to call. It went downhill even quicker from there.

He repeatedly pointed out how I was only harming myself with my refusal to pay (which I hadn't refused), and that he was going to give me 24 hours, and only 24 hours, or else. I asked him quite calmly "Or else what, exactly?", and waited, but he just said "or else.". I stated the number of remedies I knew they could take, and he started being belligerent and saying "Oooooh, so you've done your homework, little girl, eh?" I asked him point blank if he would accept the $150, he said absolutely not and he would tell his client I refused to pay, and I stated that if that was the case, we had nothing further to discuss and said Goodbye and for him to have a nice day. He was yelling so loudly that the phone was vibrating in my hand as I hung it up.

I immediately called Chevron, as they had told me they did not own the debt (previous to this I had assumed Chevron had sold it), Chevron confirmed they would and could accept payments directly, and I sent off a check directly to the creditor that day for the $150 NCO refused to accept. Chevron, evidentially, *did* actually want that if it was all we could pay despite what NCO stated. Imagine that. After that, I faxed a Cease and Desist to NCO and figured that was that.

They called *again* today! When I stated that (1) I had made arrangements to directly pay the creditor, Isabel began questioning me on the deal and what I had said to them, to which I answered that it was flatly none of her business and if Chevron wanted them to know, they could let them know. She responded that their client hadn't communicated anything to them, and I let her know regardless of that, *I* had the day before and faxed them, with confirmation, a Cease and Desist and that this was their one phone call. She responded they didn't get it (Technology and my phone records say otherwise). She responded "Goodbye" and hung up on me as I was admonishing her not to call again.

I hope that NCO doesn't get a dime for any of what Chevron collects. And if they call here again after the fax, certified mail, and verbal statement that we filed a Cease and Desist with them, I have both a log and recorder on our phone, and a relationship with a NACA attorney who will sue on contingency, and they can help us pay for what we owe Chevron themselves since they are "rolling in millions".

2007 We have received numerous cell phone calls from, Unknown caller. Most calls between 8 AM and 8 PM. But recently we received calls at 2AM !!! in the morning, and I found out it was also from NCO 1-866-767-5640 in Canada, by Carolyn. I told her about the 2 AM phone calls, and she kept asking what time of the day it was in my location. Then she stated she wanted to know if they would have to adjust their calling system

2007 This company just wiped out my husbands bank account. They swear they had his permission to take the money, but the funny thing about that is- he's in prison been there for months). Whats even better they won't say what the money was used to pay, or how they got the bank account number. God bless the U.S.A

2007 Today, I received an alarming call from NCO Financial, saying "Due to Federal law, I'm not allowed to reveal the purpose of this call". "You or attorney needs to call 888-899-4332 extension 4137, case number *****" I quickly called and spoke to an extremely rude customer service person, who asked me to contact a neighbor about her account. First, I've never met, nor have knowledge of person NCO Financial is hunting down. Secondly, NCO Financial somehow obtained my phone number and address, probably illegally. I told the customer service rep. I would do not comply because I didn't know the person, nor did I want to get involved in this matter, The customer service rep. became belligerent, started ranting because I said I would not assist NCO Financial, and abruptly ended the call. It is doubtful whether incoming and outgoing calls are monitored or recorded for quality of service. There is no acceptable explanation for this woman's ill-mannered behavior nor the NCO Financial tactics for debt collection.

2007 NCO Financial Systems collects regular monthly heating bill and oil payments on behalf of Petro. I am SURE they are collecting information through a necessary part of living....which is your HEAT! I just paid my first bill with Petro and noticed they said NCO Financial collects their payments. All...not just late ones (this was early) I bring this up because they hounded me for something I did not owe for ages. This has to be illegal. not only that but Petro would not let me opt out online and when I called Customers service to OPT out they said I have to talk to the Credit Department. Fishy to me. Nonetheless, I hope someone catches on to this little trick of theirs because that is probably how they are getting most of their information, from a GOVT. regulated necessity....HEATING!!!

2007 I have not been able to reach ANY resolution with this company over my debt. They began calling my office a few days ago. I explained to them that my interest only loan went up and that I'm struggling with my payments because the child support payments owed to me have stopped. The person I was speaking to asked for a list of my debts which I gave him verbally and from memory and based on his calculations, I have $1,000 unaccounted for so I can afford the amount he proposed. I have no idea where he came up with that amount. He insisted it wasn't him but the "rules" he has to abide by. I told him that was impossible. He agreed to allow me to review my debts and submit the next day an itemized list. Before I could get to my office fax machine the next day, a different person called my office asking to be transferred to the payroll department so that he can begin garnishment proceedings. He said I had to agree to the amount they wanted or I would have more than that amount garnished. I lost it. I was crying and extremely upset and that was when the bullying began. He said to either make a payment today or transfer him to payroll to begin the garnishment. I told him that the person I spoke to said to fax over to him my itemized list which I was prepared to do. He said I had an hour to call that person back and finish making the arrangement or he'd call directly to my payroll department and hung up on me. I went to my payroll office in tears. Thank goodness she was very understanding and said that it can't be done without a court order. She also said that based on my income, there's no way I'd be able to survive if I paid them the amount they were asking for. She then asked me if I had verified that this company was supposed collect on this debt. I realized that in my confusion and hysteria, I had not. The following morning I had a message in my office voicemail that said to "call this number back and give us your payroll department so that we can begin garnishment proceedings"

2007 I have been getting calls for my ex boyfriend at my house for the past 2 months. We never lived together he NEVER gave my number out to anyone, let alone use my phone. He is very responsible individual and now i am getting these call s from NCO. i finally called the number and pretended to be his wife was told he owes over 11,000.00 to Capital one, and that he had another card but i was not told how much he owed. This man is rich, he has plenty of money and at the time they called he was out of the country building a home. I contacted him to tell him and i was panic stricken, but he told me there is not way that is a legitimate call i have a my cards and i am not missing any. so he is ignoring them . Mean while i continue to get these calls. who are these people. I think they are preying on people to get them to send in money. this has got to be a scam

2007 I am being verbally abused by DeWayne Harding at 800 685 4343 and he will not stop. I paid this account and they agreed to settle in full per the statement on the back of the check and they still call and bother me.

2007 We received a letter from this company (addressed to my wife). It is a collection letter disguised to look like a statement, it even has a section to 'tear off' to send with the payment. The 'statement is for a 'debt' to Methodist Hospital for $500+. Neither my wife or I have a debt of any kind with this hospital. Anyway, the verbiage on the letter states (I'm paraphrasing) "Your 'mutually agreed upon payment' of $10 is due by October 1, 2007" It also stated that this 'mutually agreed upon payment' was setup to help us out with paying this bill. 1. We don't owe the bill, and 2. Since we don't owe the bill, we certainly didn't agree to make payments on it!!! I guess they were hoping that we would just blindly send a payment because it looked like a bill. It does have a single line stating that this is an attempt to collect a debt. No mention of having the right to request validation. Just wanted your readers to see what lengths this company will go to in order to try to extort money from an unsuspecting consumer.

2007 I moved to another state after 10 years in the same state (with a listed phone number in both locations I lived there), Started receiving auto dialer/recorded messages about 6 months after I moved. Saying call a number about a financial matter on my answering machine. No company name, no details, just an first initial (matching mine, not my full name) and my surname. I don't respond to phone calls by companies who don't identify themselves or their business. Finally googled the number after getting half a dozen recorded phone calls a week, usually 2 on Saturdays. Debt collection, I'm clueless what they wanted. Calls stopped after 6 weeks.

Moved again recently. No auto dialer this time, 3-4 rings and they hang-up before the answering machine picks up. I have caller ID so I don't answer any 800 number unless I'm expecting a business call at home. Calls coming from 800-274-2538 this time so I googled it again, same collector.

If they want to collect on some debt that I don't know about they need to leave details in their messages so I can try to figure out why they're calling me. How can they collect if they don't leave a message? Idiots.

2007 I received two letters from nco trying to collect a debt that's at least 20 years old and paid up/closed. It's a
NY & Co account that I had opened in the early 80's. Anyway, I sent them two cease collection letters, the second letter reminding them of Florida's statute of limitations on expired debts, and the many FDCPA/FCRA laws they have violated. I also reminded them that EXTORTION is a federal crime. I am not going to let them shake me down for money that is not owed to them. I'll keep on sending them a letter reply for every letter they send me. I guess I'll hear from them again, right before Christmas??!! The account isn't even on my credit report.

2007 My son was diagnosed with Autism and in the initial phases of his diagnosis, we spent all of our money on medical testing and therapy needs. We fell behind on our bills. Three of them landed in the hands of NCO. Just recently we found out we have become available for some state funding that helps parents get back on their feet, so to speak. So, I called NCO and asked for some assistance in gaining the company TIN (tax id number). These numbers are public I just needed to get theirs. I cannot tell you how many times I explained my situation to this awful woman. She kept yelling at me. Telling me it was not their job to give me grants. Pay my bills. She would not give me any information needed. She told me to give her my bank name and information. Then told me if I was not going to pay by credit card or check right now she needed to hang up on my. I told her she was misunderstanding me. I was not looking for a grant tfrom them, I had gotten one and just needed a little bit of information to pay them off. She then told me they were not in the business of helping people not pay their bills and I needed to give her a check number. This went on and on, you get the point. The conversation ended in me teller her she was being of no help to anyone, and then her hanging up on me! Nice, huh? I called her supervisor and she gave me the corporate number to call and get the TIN. She did say she was sorry for the earlier phone call, but did you ever have to say sorry when you were like 8 or 9 for anything? You know when you parents take you over and make you say it...that is how warm this felt.

2007 Took a call from a woman last week who identified herself as working with "NCO Financial Services". She was inquiring about a debt and a possible settlement. I told her I was all ears for a potential settlement and she said "hold on". So, then a guy picks up and says "may I help you>" I said, I was holding for a woman. He says, "oh she transferred you to me". I said who is this? and should she say hold on I am transferring you? He says "Lets cut to the chase, I hear you want to settle?" I said I want to hear your proposal. He say's "ok, I'll fax it right over to you and it'll keep you out of court" I said, Mail it, please. He says, "our mail doesn't go out till the first of the month!"
CAn you believe that, so after several more back and forths, I told him we would have to agree to disagree that the fax was the best method for their proposal. Two days later, via UPS I received a settlement proposal saying per our agreement you will pay x amount. I sent them a strong armed certified and registered letter asking for validation of debt. They have called a few times, but I am not answering. Stay tuned.

2007 I was contacted by NCO in January 2007 about a debt I have paid off 7years ago. They called several times a day and refused to provide any information and refused to accept the proof I had paid the debt. I quit returning calls, sent a cease and desist letter (which they ignored). The second letter I sent via certified mail. in it I included a copy of their original letter, a list of dates and times they called after receiving my cease and desist letter. In addition, I stated in the letter I was aware they were violating federal law and I was serving notice that any calls will be logged, should I talk to a rep from NCO I would be recording the conversation. Through June, they called, I logged the calls and each week I sent copies of ALL previous correspondence (to refresh their memory). In June I sent my final letter stating the number of violations and the estimated cost should I decide to take them to court. I offered them a settlement of 75% of the estimated cost if paid in 10 days plus an additional 5k for harassing me since they had all the information needed to close this account in January. Two months have gone by with no contact.

2007 David Shlee, Brian Taylor and all the rest of those clowns are breaking laws daily. They tell there collectors "do what you have to do to get that Money" Meaning forget FDCPA. They are beyond belief and I was fed up with it and I chose to leave.

2007 A person named Kim Denning from NCO called this childcare center today and asked to speak to the owner. She was told she was not here would she like to leave a message. I was then told she has left several messages and she wants to speak to someone NOW! I again asked if she would like to leave a message. She asked me when the last time the health dept had visited my center. And as chance would have we had a visit that day. She then asked for the name of the health rep and I told her why is she asking these questions? She didn't think they would be here so soon. I asked if she was threatening me and I would not answer personal questions. TIP FOR NCO WE RUN A VERY CLEAN BUSINESS NEXT TIME THREATEN ME WITH THE IRS THEY ARE MUCH SCARIER!!!

2007 I have been harassed by NCO Financial Systems for the last year and a half. They keep calling and asking for BARBARA WOLFE. I started out saying I'm not Barbara Wolfe. I moved here in Jan. 2006....maybe she had this phone number before me. The apologize and promise to delete my phone number from their system. A week or two or even two weeks go by, then they start calling again. For the past two months....I get hang-up calls every day. This morning....SUNDAY .....I answered the phone hoping it was my sons. It was NCO. We went through the whole process again with a promise to delete my number. Three months ago. I read the obituary of a BARBARA WOLFE in the local newspaper. I was so excited! 79 yr. old woman died. I scanned & copied the obit notice & mailed it to NCO along with a friendly, polite letter. I felt so smug. I knew I had solved (cured) the problem. NO WAY! They just know I'm hiding Barbara Wolfe in my apt. & she owes them money (dead or not) and they are going to collect it by harassing me. I cannot use my land line phone any longer. I do not answer.

2007 These people NCO kept calling my home phone and leaving a number to call. When I called and asked them what they wanted, a Black rude lady, asked me what was my number and I told her you called me so you know my number and asked again, what did she want? She said, she wanted _____ ____ and I told her she had the wrong number but that did not stop NCO.

They called me at least 6 times a week asking for the same person. They are rude and when you ask for a supervisor, they scream at you and say, I don't have time for this and hang up.

Thanks a the way, that black comment is not racist, I'm black also.

2007 I returned Eric Jones’s phone call in regard to a Capitol One credit card debt at 8:00 a.m. In the conversation I explained that after some financial hardships and losing our home I was in no position to pay the outrageous amount they wanted and that I had offered Capital One a settlement in April but was turned down. That same afternoon he called my 80 year old mother, who is not even on the account or has a published number, and asked for my deceased father. After my mother told him that he had passed away 7 years ago he then asked for me. My mother, now very upset, asked why. Eric told her it was to collect a debt and proceeded to divulge personal information and details about my account. Isn’t this against the law?

2007 I am dealing with NCO and what a nightmare it's been. They began calling me out of the blue at the same time I got a dunning letter from another CA collecting on behalf of NCO. I have never gotten anything from NCO. I sent a DV to the other collection agency, didn't hear back from them, calls stop. NCO, on the other hand, keeps calling. I pulled my credit reports and sent them a DV, I also disputed with the credit bureaus, sent letters to the AG's in my state and PA, complained to the FTC. I sent the NCO DV letter cm rrr, have not gotten the green card back but I do have proof that I sent it to them. Also, two of the three credit have investigated and deleted NCO from my reports. But, NCO still calls, every single day - sometimes a dozen calls a day. They won't respond to my letter they just call. They were even reporting the alleged debt wrong: as an open account, factoring company account.

2007 NCO placed a negative report on my husband's credit for an account which was never his. After SEVEN YEARS of trying to clear this up, the hospital which sent this account to collection has again admitted their fault in this matter. Their admission clerk entered my husband's SSN into the computer system. It was a simple typo, but one that has been with us for SEVEN YEARS. I have threatened the hospital, and they sent letters (again) promising that the matter is closed for good. My question is: If this continues to show up, what is our recourse? The guy who was admitted to the hospital now has his name on my husband's credit report, and he died a year ago. We have filed ID theft charges against them, as we did in 2001 when we first became aware of this, but to no avail.

2007 TO POSTER about $2,500 judgment: The EASIEST way to get companies like NCO to pay your judgment is for YOU to send a garnishment from your local state court to the Chapter 13 trustee for the bankruptcy court in the DISTRICT where you obtained your judgment. The trustee can suck NCO's money out of any monthly payments it is entitled to BEFORE it goes to NCO. The EASIEST thing to do is simply call the bankruptcy Trustee or his/her staff and tell them you would like to garnish a creditor's payments and ask them where to send the garnishment.

Please note that in some states, like Alabama, your judgment will expire at the end of 10 years if you do not go to court to "revive" it. Collection companies have their hands in ALL bankruptcy courts. Might as well have yours.

2007 Hi, I'm seeing several different addresses for NCO in the consumer comments section. I'm mailing a cease and desist letter, since the statute of limitations has passed, by certified mail. Should I send a copy to every
office they have in the US so they can't say that they didn't receive the letter? or just use this address: NCO Financial Services Tracy Wild, Corporate Attorney 150 Cross Point Parkway Getzville, NY 14068

2007 Sent a cease and desist letter to NCO Financial Systems in Horsham Pa. Now I have them calling from a Tulsa, Oklahoma number stating they never got the letter. Which is not true as I have all the post office documentation to prove otherwise. Well the Tulsa office will get a letter too. These folks violate all the rules and play games with their multiple office locations. FYI: NCO FINANCIAL SYSTEMS 4608 South Garnett Rd, Suite 200 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 Phone #918-665-8200

2007 MedCLR The address I have for them on my report is PO Box 8547, Philadelphia, PA 19101. They placed a negative item on my credit report. I have never even gotten a letter from them. I have disputed it and am sending NCO a letter of dispute and a validation request. I am cutting right to the chase and going ahead and sending letters to the BBB; FTC; NC State AG, also. I have a feeling I am going to have a hard time with this group.

2007 I recently had a call from NCO regarding a credit card debt they acquired. BETH (who way refused to further identify herself), stated there was a pending legal matter filed in Travis County. When I asked for the case number she stated something like QN18118. I further probed to verify that when I contact an attorney he can use this case number in the court system to see where everything stands. Suddenly, there was no case filed in Travis County, but if I didn't pay up now, there will be. I asked for her law license number, and state she is licensed to practice in. Her response to me was how much did I intend to pay. On and on it went as I cited different sections of the FDCPA pertaining to the conversation.

I've seen other people mention class action suits in these comments, and I'm all for it. Also, I would love to see these scumbags pay financially and criminally for their actions. In the meantime, I am going to start filing complaints with the FTC, TX state attorney general, and the state attorney general in which the company is based.

Hope your recorder was running when they called you in Texas and said what they did.

2007 The more I read about NCO the more I wonder why they are still in business. Logic tells me that if everyone who's had dealings with them reported them to Better Business, it would send up a red flag. And hopefully BBB would investigate them. I, for one, plan on letting anyone who can do something about their bad business practices, by reporting them to anyone who can do something to put their company out of business. Or at least open their eyes. The BBB is a paid membership program and has no authority or power against any organization.